Friday, April 16, 2010

Sanction: an economic or military measure put in place to punish another country
After the United States got into an argument with Venezuela’s dictator, Hugo Chavez, he put a sanction on the U.S. to give them no oil.

Impinge:hinder;interfere By not letting her daughter go to ballet class, the mother was impinging with her daughter’s dreams.

Anthology: a collection of literary pieces
Stephanie Meyer has an anthology the first one which is called Twilight.

Eclectic: made up of a variety of sources or styles
Maria’s eclectic sense of style makes her one of the most popular girls in school. Everyday she wears a different style of clothing.

Excerpt: a selected part of a passage or scene
When writing an analytical essay, Susan tells us to focus on excerpts of the novel to support our point of view.

Incorrigible: unable to be reformed
Although the boy had been sent to prison five times, he was incorrigible and wouldn’t stop stealing.

Staid: unemotional; serious
People who don’t know me sometimes think that I am staid because I am very reserved and hardly ever show any emotion about anything.

Serene: Calm
The lake was so still and serene that it gave the impression that no marine life lived there.

Stoic: indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive
After enduring many hardships, Jane was stoic and no longer cared about the daily challenges of life.

Vilify: to make vicious statements about
The republicans made advertisements that only vilified the democrats.

Fractious: Quarrelsome; unruly
The fractious child always disagreed with his mom, especially when it involved going to school.

Brusque: rudely abrupt
The boy had no manners and was always brusque when addressing others, especially adults.

Ingrate: an ungrateful person
Since her mom always buys her everything she desires, she is an ingrate who has never learned the true value of things.

Insolent: insulting in manner or speech
The insolent manner in which he spoke to his teachers, got the boy into a lot of trouble.

Notorious: known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous
Hitler was a notorious leader who is known for the Holocaust.

Pugnacious: combative; belligerent
The boy’s surroundings made him gain a defensive and pugnacious attitude that involved fighting with everyone.

Brittle: easily broken when subjected to pressure
When we get old, our skin gets wrinkly and our bones become brittle.

Heinous: hatefully evil; abominable
Jack the Ripper is perhaps considered one of the most heinous murdurers due to the cruelty with which he killed his victims.

Enmity: mutual hatred or ill-will
The enmity that exists between the democrats and the republicans keeps them from correctly running the country.

Putrid: rotten
Since it was covered in brown, the apple was obviously putrid.

Medieval: referring to the middle ages; old fashioned
The castle was from medieval times and was home the may royal families that had once the country.

Obsolete: no longer in use; old fashioned
Although vcrs were being used ten years ago, they have now become obsolete and are currently replaced by dvds.

Austere: without decoration; strict
The insane assylum was kept austere in order to prevent the patients from falling into any type of depression.

Ponderous: extremely dull
After following the same routine every day for six years, life becomes ponderous.

Apprehension: anxiety or fear about the future
The senior class expressed their apprehension regarding life after Chinquapin.

Ominous: menacing; threatening
The smoke coming out of the car was an ominous matter that had to be fixed as soon as possible.

Timorous: timid; fearful about the future
Since my parents have always taken care of me, I was timorous about going away to college and having to learn how to take care of myself.

Candor: sincerity; openness
The girl’s candor made everyone love her for showing her true identity.

Frank: open and sincere in expression; straightforward
The boy’s frankness made his thoughts and opinions visible to everyone in the room.

Novice: a beginner
Since this is my first year on the debate team, I have to participate in novice debate until my second year.

Naïve: lacking sophistication
It was naïve of her to believe that she could learn how to play the piano in one day.

Innovative: introducing something new
Apple has to be innovative in order to encourage people to keep buying their products such as ipods, cellphones, etc.

Arid: describing a dry, rainless climate
Although there are some states that are very humid, New Mexico has a very arid climate.

Conflagration: a wide spread fire
Due to the high temperatures, a conflagration developed in the forests of California.

Ample: describing a large amount of something
In order to wash your hands correctly, you have use an ample amount of soap to remove any bacteria from your hands.

Copious: plentiful; having a large quantity
Since Bill Gates has a copious amount of money, he decides to give some of it away to charity.

Replete: abundantly supplied; filled to capacity
Since she saved every single penny in her piggy bank, at the end of the month the piggy bank was replete of pennies and she finally able to break it.

Exemplary: commendable; worthy of imitation
Since he had developed an exemplary high school career, he was awarded five scholarships.

Facile: done or achieved with little effort; easy
Although fixing books was a facile job, one gets bored after doing the job for three days.

Syllogism: a form of deductive reasoning; a major premise; a minor premise; and a conclusion

Sardonic: ironically humorous; harsh, bitter, or caustic
Although Maria was joking, her sardonic attitude made Mary feel sad.

Propitious: presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious
Some people believe that walking under a ladder doesn’t present propitious circumstances.

Phenomenon: an unusual, observable event
Ghosts are described as being a paranormal phenomenon.

Anachronism: something out of place in time or sequence
Archetype: a perfect example; an original pattern
Since the events in the movie were out of order, the reviews described it as an archetype of anachronism.

Gesticulating: making gestures while speaking
The speaker’s gesticulating movements made everyone in the crowd get distracted and not pay attention to his speech.

Paramount: the chief concern or importance
Although there were many events that made Michael sad, the death of his hamster was the paramount of his sadness.

Fastidious: processing careful attention to detail; difficult to please
The fastidious attitude she portrayed, made many people dislike her.

Meticulous: extremely careful and precise
Heart surgeons have to be very meticulous when performing surgery on patient because any little mistake could mean death.

Hierarchy: a group organized by rank
The military is composed of a hierarchy in which the higher you go, the more power you have.

Idealize: to consider perfect
Karen idealized Beyonce because she thought the celebrity had no imperfections.

Venerated: highly respected
Mother Teresa was and still is venerated for her compassionate work in helping the poor.

Solvent: able to pay one’s debts
After finding a high paying job, John became solvent.

Comprehensive: large in scope or content
The family pack of Doritos was comprehensive because it is made to feed many people.

Novel: strikingly new or unusual
The fashion designer’s novel collection was a major success during the fashion show in Paris.

Malfeasance: wrongdoing, misconduct
In The Crucible, Tituba was accused of malfeasance because she was from a foreign country.

Deleterious: having a harmful effect; injurious
Drinking too much soda can have a deleterious consequence on one’s health.

Equanimity: the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure
After raising five buys, the mother showed great equanimity when taking care of the crying baby.

Caustic: bitingly sarcastic or witty
The caustic attitude in which he expressed himself, made him appear very arrogant.

Dilettante: one with an amateurish or superficial understanding of knowledge
Although she believe she knew everything about statistics, she was only a dilettante who had joined the class two weeks ago.

Genre: describing a category or artistic endeavor
Watching a horror movie is out of the question, that’s why the young girl watched every other type of genre except for horror movies.

Innate: possessed from birth; inborn
Mother Teresa’s innate behavior was to help those who were less fortunate than her.

Assimilation: to absorb; to make similar
The United States is composed of an assimilation of cultures due to the many different people that have emigrated to the country.

Consensus: general agreement
After much argument, congress came to a consensus and decided to pass the bill.

Tenacity: persistence
In order to be successful, one has to not only work hard but also show tenacity in order to accomplish one’s goals.

Dogmatic: stubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs
John was dogmatic when it came to ghost myths.

Malleable: easily shaped or formed; easily influenced
People who don’t have their priorities set straight tend to be very malleable.

Arbitrary: determined by impulse rather than reason
Sometimes parents can be very arbitrary and offer no reason to why they won’t let you drive to at night.

Whimsical: subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable
The boy had always been described as being whimsical because he was always changing his mind so no one ever knew how we respond to certain situations.

Coup: a brilliantly executed plan
Although Hitler was an infamous and cruel leader, he had a coup to execute the Jews living in Europe.